Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Aku Ingat

29 JUNI 2014

Aku ingat Desa Boto Putih di puncak gunung di Kabupaten Trenggalek.
Aku ingat seorang anak kecil trauma berjalan selama 4 jam dari rumah menuju sekolah dan kembali berjalan ke rumah selama 4 jam karena tidak ada satupun guru yang hadir hari itu.
Aku ingat dengan beraninya anak itu berkata ke orang tuanya "aku tidak mau sekolah, aku mau membantu Bapak mengarit."
Aku ingat seorang anak SD mengendarai sepeda motor dewasa menuju sekolah.
Aku ingat tidak ada keceriaan sama sekali dari anak-anak wanita usia sekolah karena orang tua akan menikahkan mereka bahkan sebelum dinyatakan TAMAT dari SEKOLAH DASAR.

AKU INGAT PERWAKILAN DARI INSPEKTORAT KEMENDIKBUD MENGATAKAN "kami tidak mampu mengawasi penggunaan anggaran pendidikan di tingkat daerah." dalam sebuah acara Indonesia Anti Corruption Forum padahal 20% dari total APBN saat ini mencapai angka 300 Trilliun lebih.

Aku ingat tidak ada PEMERINTAH hadir di sana.
Aku ingat tidak ada PEMERINTAH hadir di sana.


Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

"Beauty" is your last name

You come with smile, so close...staring at me deeply then i choosing you. First thought that you same with other classy girl picked up by beauty face outside or maybe just because of perfect bone structure.

Hey pretty, i try to swim into your soul, looking for something special like kind of treasure that no woman has it personally. You said your name was Marny close from my ear then i never trust it. You just simply dancing over my body full smile and no fake i guess. 

Why you open my eyes this time?just open when i never want to see the beauty inside for every single woman standing still in front of me? Why you give me back my illusion that i will meet such a beauty angel covered by their stereotype call woman.

You said you're not in a good mood, your boy left you behind and said it will be better if we just become a friend after he took all from you...your pretty face, your honest, your happiness, your future and your...i don't know i just feel that there is still alot of positive things inside you 

 But really really you've made me surprised with all that simply things...when you talked about honesty, patience, sincerity, positive thoughts, it seemed so pure from your deepest heart.

When you said your name was Marny,

I Guess "Beauty" is your last name.